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Dina Lopes-Basten. Arnold Chiari Malformation, Cord Traction Syndrome. Descent of the cerebellar tonsils

Published by at 17 May, 2012

Date of surgery: February 2012

portugal alemania

My name is Dina Lopes-Basten, I am 49 years old, I am originally from Portugal and live in Berlin since 1988. I was diagnosed with an Arnold Chiari malformation in October 2011 after many tests in vain in the previous years.  I had been suffering from the symptoms, especially vertigo, strong headaches, pins and needles in the arms at night time leading to insomnia, slight incontinence, inexplicable pains in arms and legs, „blurry“ vision and little energy, combined with difficulties to concentrate, since 2007. From September 2011 until February 2012 I was not able to lead a normal life anymore. I was on sick leave for a long time, my ability to drive was limited and I hardly slept. By optimising the medication only a slight relief could be achieved. A decompression surgery was out of the question for me. Following detailed research on the Internet (besides the Institut Chiari de Barcelona I also came across corresponding institutions in the US), I decided in favour of the minimally invasive sectioning of the filum terminale with a stay of just three days in Barcelona. My neurologist in Berlin and my husband, both intelligent and open-minded people, supported me greatly in my decision.

After having previously sent my files to the Institut Chiari, I soon received the reply, that I was probably suffering from a cord traction syndrome, which would have caused the descent of the cerebellar tonsils. The consultation by the Institut Chiari team left a professional impression, so that I made my way to Barcelona together with my husband. As the diagnosis was confirmed by an extensive examination on location, Dr. Royo performed surgery on me on February 14th 2012. The surgery was a complete success from my viewpoint as a patient.  The symptoms listed above disappeared immediately and totally, I was able to stop the strong medication instantly, finally I did not have any vertigo or headaches anymore, my vision was clear again. Also the significant improvement of the reflexes and grip strength are to be emphasized.  All in all, I felt (and still do) like newborn. In the follow-up examination on April 18th 2012 the success was also confirmed from the medical point of view. I would like to thank the entire team of the Institut Chiari, especially Dr. Royo. Dr. Fiallos and Mrs. Katharina Kühn.

Tel.:  +49 170 8349594

E-Mail: [email protected]

One and half years later

I am still feeling very well.

Before the surgery I had to take also anti-depressants in order to be able to lead a more or less normal life. Since 14 February 2012 I do not need any anti-depressants anymore.

The old symptoms never came back: not the vertigo, or the headaches and neither the concentration difficulties.

I see life positively again.

I would like to thank the entire Insitut Chiari de Barcelona team.

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